Recently, Tiba joined the board of the association RespectBleau. The goal of the organisation is to unite local and international climbers and other parties to improve the sustainability of the climbing in the Fontainebleau forest. The name says it all, if we treat the rocks, the forest and the other visitors and locals with respect, we can create a better environment for everybody together.
The activities of Respectbleau include organising clean up days, promoting best practices for climbers in the forest through (social) media, website and climbing gyms and connecting different parties to work together on a good infrastructure for climbing and information. We connect governmental bodies such as the ONF (Office National des Forêt) and municipalities in the area with both local bleausards and international climbers who are visiting the forest. We spread information about how to behave in the natural environment, which gets more and more important with the growth of the sport and limited collaboration between climbers and organizations such as commercial climbing gyms.
Check out more about the activities of RespectBleau, best practices in the forest and how you can support a more sustainable climbing environment in Fontainebleau on their website, Instagram and YouTube.