DeKlimPodcast: Monthly Insights from the World of Dutch Climbing

Every first Friday of the month, Tiba Vroom and Ico Kloppenburg dive into the world of climbing with a special guest in DeKlimPodcast. Each episode explores a different theme, ranging from elite training strategies to climbing culture and injury prevention.

Listeners can expect insights from top Dutch climbers on their training routines, competition performances, and personal ambitions. Experts also join the conversation, such as Bart van Raaij, who shares his knowledge about bouldering in Fontainebleau, Mathieu Ceron, who offers advice on injury prevention, and Swaen Harmsen, who discusses the role of women in the Dutch climbing community.

Bart van Raaij’s episode was recorded at ĀTMA basecamp, DeKlimPodcast is a must-listen for Dutch climbers of all levels. Stay tuned for inspiring stories, expert advice, and deep dives into the sport we love!
